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Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Filmmaker Challenges Prop 8 in 7 Minutes Flat!

If you have not seen this, I think you will want to. The message of tolerance and acceptance is beautifully and comedically laid out. Read on....

Director Anne Renton, in association with her production company Andali Films, recently globally launched an online version of her wildly popular short film, Love is Love, with a stern but compassionate message to supporters of California’s Proposition 8.

Since its original release in 2007, Love is Love has widely spread its message of tolerance through the comedic window of a societal flip. In the film’s world, the majority of society is gay and heterosexuals are the “queer” ones. With the passing of Prop 8 in California last month, Anne immediately took the opportunity to release the film online with written cards before and after the movie, asking any supporters of Prop 8 to think again. The film cues up with following messages:

• This is dedicated to all of those who voted Yes on Prop 8 .
• Imagine if you were the minority and other people voted on your rights.
• There is an old proverb: “Don’t judge someone until you’ve walked a mile in their shoes”…Consider this possibility.

Jane Lynch (The 40 Year Old Virgin, Best in Show, The L Word, etc.) heads the cast as an intolerant Reverend literally preaching to the choir about the unexplainable practices of heterosexuals ("It's like kicking the Lord in the teeth"). Meanwhile, a closeted heterosexual woman confides in her therapist that the lesbian path was not meant for her and a straight man confesses to a bartender (in a gay bar) that he prefers women. To top the comedy off, Margaret Cho re-defines the meaning of a cameo appearance with a one liner that sends audiences into hysterics.

“The comedy is quick and biting, but behind the laughs remains a poignant message of tolerance. It is speedy in its seven-minute delivery but lasting in its intention”, says Deborah Nicol of The Desert Sun.

With cloe to 25,000 hits already on You Tube, Anne hopes to continue to spread the message of acceptance worldwide, and I want to help her!

With lively discussions already brewing on YouTube and various blogs globally, Love is Love’s final closing card of “We All Deserve Equal Rights” is definitely stirring the Prop 8 support pot in a positive, meaningful manner.

Check it out. http://www.LoveisLoveshortfilm.com

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