Where In The World Is Your Heart?

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Thursday, February 12, 2009

Have A Heart. Everyday.

A woman approached me recently with the idea of purchasing hearts for an entire school that helps support her autistic son. I was so taken by the gesture, first of all, and geared up to get those hearts to them by Valentine's Day. She politely told me that it did NOT need to happen by Valentine's Day and that she actually preferred it to occur a bit afterward. I paused...and got it. Deeply. She went on to say that Valentine's Day is a spectacular day to share love with those special ones in your life. But, the love that lives inside us should be shared every day of the year, not just on a specifically marked holiday that encourages us to do so. I understood from the bottom of my very own heart. She also went on to tell me that she feels that every single person associated with the school needs to be recognized. That means teachers, admin staff, cooks and cleaning staff.

I truly find her attitude so beautifully refreshing and "the way it should be" in my opinion. We all play such a vital role here on this planet, whatever our "job" may be. So let's take a moment to thank all those playing their gorgeously orchestrated roles that enrich not only our life, but the lives of others. And ahem (that's a clearing the throat sound)......don't forget yourself.

Ok, and speaking of those playing their roles.....Check this out! I received the most extraordinary email late last night. It was from Australia, so it as a much more decent hour there than here! A woman named Heather inquired about purchasing hearts for the other ICU nurses on her team in Melbourne. You see, those nurses are clearly working overtime due to the tragic fires occurring there. Here is what she said:

"I think it is so beautiful to pass them from hand to hand. Heart Heirlooms! I'm an ICU nurse and these are going to ICU nurses in Melbourne who have been dealing with injured and burnt victims and who need healing for themselves. Bless you. Heather"

Well Heather, Bless you...and the other nurses. May the hearts represent a moment of healing there that is so very needed. All who are reading this send their love and support your way, and we look forward to hearing the voice of each of those hearts speak through story. Your stories are our stories. Truly.

So, let us have a heart. Everyday. And remember the power and responsibility each of us possesses to live to the fullest each moment by following our own hearts. It is our birthright...so take it. May we participate in our own lives by deeply supporting ourselves and others every day of the year. And by all means, have the happiest, most romantic or quiet Valentine's Day you have ever had. Live it up...live it down. Just be sure to live it COMPLETELY.

With love,

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